Friday, November 11, 2011

April 4th- or so they say!

Well our sonogram went well yesterday... or at least we haven't gotten any calls yet from the Dr/ Midwife with any concerns.  Kelsey said that "if" something was wrong the sonogram tech would have spent a whole lot longer than 15 mins looking at our little "she".   The tech said that everything looked good from her end, but I don't know if they are "allowed" to say anything or not... so I'm going to think positively and assume that everything is fine!  YAY!! Currently, based on the 1st sonogram & this one yesterday "they" project the due date for April 4th.  If you go by my calendar (and my last cycle date)  the due date is March 31st.  I guess I'll get used to saying that "she" will be here in April- instead the end of March... April birth stone is a Diamond anyway... so can't go wrong with that right??  Except Kelsey may go broke buying me Ruby's (Allie's birthstone) & Diamonds... 

Oh and I'm really glad we went in for the early sonogram to do the gender reveal party... that sonogram was so much more fun.  We got to watch her play around, wave, kick, suckle- and it was so clear on the "big screen". This apt was mostly for the Dr's purposes to measure bones and check organs etc- so we didn't get to see nearly as much of her as we wanted to, and the pictures they gave us were freaky!! They didn't really look like a little baby to us.  The good news is they confirmed it was still a "she"...  A few other things I learned was that the placenta is above the baby- so that is why I'm not feeling her move  as much as I did Allie. I think my placenta was below Allie, in my first pregnancy. This is also the reason it was harder to hear the heartbeat at 12 weeks, bc you had to hear it thru the placenta. (we kept hearing my heart beat over hers) Finally, we learned that she weighs about 10 oz right now.

Here are some sono pictures from both sonograms- the first few are from the "fun" sono- the last one is the freaky picture from this last one...

Head is on Left side, you can see spine very clearly...

In this one her head is on the rt- and you are looking at a profile shot...

A little more clear in this picture... head on right

weird freaky one... Head is on Left side and I think she is on her side..??

The next sonogram we will get will be at 32-34 weeks and it will be the super fun 3D sonogram where you can see what her facial features look like... 

Finally here is a BUMP picture.. me at almost 20 weeks! :)  Half way there!

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