Wednesday, December 21, 2011

We have been busy!! :) Love this time of Year!

This month and the month of October are prob my favorite months!  They are very busy but there are so many fun things to do with children!  (and without) I continue to be so tired with this pregnancy and usually head to bed around 8:30-9 after we get Allie put down for the night!  Other than that I'm feeling pretty good!  I usually take all my pictures on my phone and then upload to the blog- but the last few times I have set down to update the blog my phone goes on the fritz!! (So I'm waiting till the sprint store is less crazy to go in and get my phone fixed) 

Anyway here are a few of the fun things we have been up to since the last time I posted-

This is Allie's Wed class and her teacher Ms Jenny!  We Sure do LOVE her!!!
All Dressed up for the program on Thurs!

We can start off with Allie's Mothers Day Out program.  She had one on Wed & Thurs- (for each of her classes) They sang Away in a Manger, Jingle Bells & Happy Birthday Jesus- it was adorable!  Allie was very involved with the songs and did all the hand motions to Away in a Manger. I have a very cute video- if I can only figure out how to get it off of my silly phone!!  The following week she had had her Christmas Party at school and they painted adorable reindeer shirts with their hands and feet!  Myself and another mom were able to come into the class and help make the shirts!   The Christmas parties were so much fun and Allie got to have one on Wed & Thurs again! 

We signed up to bring treat bags one day and made cute little reindeer & snowman donuts.  They were a hit and so much fun to make!

Every year (for the past 3 I can remember) We have gone to Karen's house to do Gingerbread houses. She stays up for hours and hours baking the houses for us and everyone usually brings candy or things to decorate with!   This is a "mommy" only activity as we take several hours to complete these silly houses. And Leslie & I usually bring our moms too- It is so much fun!!  A tradition I really look forward to every year!!  

Something else fun that we did with some of my moms in the playgroup was we got together for a cookie exchange and a toy swap. In this picture Allie & my mom are helping me make the cookies!!  We swapped some toys that our kids no longer played with and everyone ended up with 3-4 new toys!! That was a bunch of fun!!

 Later in the week we met up for a Mom's Night Out Christmas Party at Tru Fire.  We had such a good time!  I am so blessed to have so many wonderful mommy friends!!

Also we have started working on the nursery furniture.  I was hoping to save some money so I purchased all the baby room furniture off of craigslist and plan to paint & re-finish everything... So far we have sanded and primed everything.  I started to paint last weekend, and realized that I had the wrong paint! UgH!  SO we went to the store and bought more paint... just wish I had the right paint before painting with the wrong stuff for 21/2 hours last weekend! (Its not like I have extra energy here! :))

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