Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Party! & Playgroup Fun!

Saturday night we had a Halloween party for Allie & her little friends!  It was SOO much fun!  Part of the fun for me was getting ready for the party.  I had so much fun decorating the house and making all the goodies!  Here are the pictures of all the fun!  Here are a few pictures of the inside decor...

The next favorite part of the party was making all of the "goodies"  I joke that that was the only reason I threw the party was so I could make all these cute snacks... (and yes I found most of my inspiration from Pinterest)
Juice box Ghost

Apple Chompers

Nutterbutter Ghost

Pumpkin Rice Crispy Treats

Pudding Frankensteins

Mummy Cupcakes! 

Besides food, we also had some "arts & crafts"... and a bounce house!!

The other craft was a "footprint" Ghost!

Kelsey & I made these costumes!  It was a LOT of fun, and we love a good project!  We made one for Allie with candy in her tummy, but we couldn't talk her into wearing it!  She was a pretty butterfly!

The o- so famous couch pictures!

Too cute!  LOVE it! 

And now for the Playgroup pictures.  We meet in a large room in the library and let the kiddoes run wild... seriously- Allie got bit 2x's today!  but the 2 1/2 hour nap afterwards is always worth it!!  What a fun day/ weekend/ month!!  I'll try to post more trick-or-treating pictures tomorrow! (or later this week)

This was the 1st prize winner, she was dressed up like a mermaid!  SOO cute!! (and she wore the wig quite a bit!)

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