Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Party! & Playgroup Fun!

Saturday night we had a Halloween party for Allie & her little friends!  It was SOO much fun!  Part of the fun for me was getting ready for the party.  I had so much fun decorating the house and making all the goodies!  Here are the pictures of all the fun!  Here are a few pictures of the inside decor...

The next favorite part of the party was making all of the "goodies"  I joke that that was the only reason I threw the party was so I could make all these cute snacks... (and yes I found most of my inspiration from Pinterest)
Juice box Ghost

Apple Chompers

Nutterbutter Ghost

Pumpkin Rice Crispy Treats

Pudding Frankensteins

Mummy Cupcakes! 

Besides food, we also had some "arts & crafts"... and a bounce house!!

The other craft was a "footprint" Ghost!

Kelsey & I made these costumes!  It was a LOT of fun, and we love a good project!  We made one for Allie with candy in her tummy, but we couldn't talk her into wearing it!  She was a pretty butterfly!

The o- so famous couch pictures!

Too cute!  LOVE it! 

And now for the Playgroup pictures.  We meet in a large room in the library and let the kiddoes run wild... seriously- Allie got bit 2x's today!  but the 2 1/2 hour nap afterwards is always worth it!!  What a fun day/ weekend/ month!!  I'll try to post more trick-or-treating pictures tomorrow! (or later this week)

This was the 1st prize winner, she was dressed up like a mermaid!  SOO cute!! (and she wore the wig quite a bit!)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

A trip to the Arboretum...and rubber kisses

On Monday we went with Grandma to the Arboretum.  Fall is my favorite time to go!  I LOVE all of the fall colors and there are a ton of fun things for the little ones!  Here are some pictures from our trip!!

This little Cinderella carriage was quite the "hit"- there was a very long line to wait your turn to get inside.  Allie didn't understand that she needed to wait for the other children to go first!  Grandma was kind enough to wait in the line for us while we did other things to make the wait not so bad!

And the "rubber kisses" This is also a little term we get from Grandma.  Allie is slightly addicted to "ben-bens"- or band aids.. They make her feel better- and there is usually never a "boo-boo" underneath...  sometimes mommy & daddy get them or even her baby dolls... Its a cute addiction. So we buy our "ben-bens" at the dollar store & let her have as many as she wants...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Big Reveal....

We are so excited about this gender reveal.  I have really been thinking that this is a boy.  First off the pregnancy's have been very different.  I wasn't sick with Allie, and this go round I was pretty green until 12 weeks.  With Allie I craved spicy foods, mustard, jalapenos etc & I had tons of  heartburn- ALL the time ( no matter if I just had water).   This go around, I started off craving Italian food, then it moved to "home cookin" comfort food.  GRAVY & lots of it! :)   I also haven't had any heart burn yet, (knock on wood- I don't remember when it started last time...)  All of my friends also guessed it was a boy, and the name we picked out was Anderson Darrel Stuart.   Nice strong name, nick name was going to be Anders or Ders... it was so planned out!

Friday we went in for our elective sonogram at 17 weeks.  We will do the full anatomy scan in 2-3 more weeks.  We decided to do the gender reveal early since Miss Natalie will be arriving any day now, and we want it to be "all about her" when her time is here!!  When we got there the ladies told us that there has been an ALL BOY streak for the week- every single gender reveal they did was a boy... would be be follow suit? or would we break the mold??   The baby was very active on the sonogram.  Waving arms, moving its mouth and kicking all around. Very cute sono!!   (Also everything looked good at the sonogram. Arms, legs, brain, heart etc)

When we left I had the ladies call my friend Alyssa with the news. She then put a goodie basket together and met us at the park.  We still had no idea for the rest of the day what it was going to be... the pictures can tell the rest!!

Special thanks to my sweet friend Heather with Heatherbelle Photography for doing these sweet pictures for us.  She created a really cute video with the pictures and I'll try to upload it if I can figure out how...  Oh I also have video of the sonogram- if I remember, and can figure out how I'll upload that to the blog as well...  So its a girl!! We are suprised, but oh so excited! (I also guessed wrong with Allie- I thought she was a boy too)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A trip to our favorite pumpkin patch

Ahh Fall is one of my favorite times of year!  I love to go to this little pumpkin patch in Celina.  They have a petting zoo, and a real pumpkin patch where the kids get pick out their own pumpkin & the hay ride is really fun too!  Here are some pictures of the fun.  We met our play group at the patch as well- here's our attempt at a group picture...
Here are a couple of good pictures of Allie & Maggie picking out their pumpkins... Allie still says her pumpkin is "for Maggie".

Another really cute thing the girls were doing was playing "ring-around-the-rosie".  Allie's favorite part was we all fall down...

Friday, October 14, 2011


I have decided to blog our daily/weekly journeys in our home.  My sister-in-law has been blogging for the last year and I have really enjoyed following her blog and getting all of the upcoming details on the our sweetest niece's upcoming arrival!  I had started a blog when Allie was born, but I wasn't so good at keeping up with it...  This time I'll try just a little harder. 

So to catch up on where we are when we begin.  Kelsey just turned 35 this week! We had a "Texas Rangers" themed birthday for him. The Rangers are in the play-offs leading up to the World Series- pretty exciting around here. 

Allie turned 2 in July and started Mother's Day out in September.  She LOVES it!  Her little vocabulary is just growing leaps and bounds every single day!  She is growing up a precious little one.  She is still very ACTIVE and STRONG WILLED- but I am slowly learning how to handle the curve balls!  (This picture is her 1st day of MDO)

I will be turning 32 next month, and I am 15 weeks pregnant with our next little one!  We are so excited about our growing family!  I am finally feeling better- the first 12 weeks I was pretty "green"... now I feel better!  We will find out the sex of the baby next week and just can't wait for that!